
All the important information on this website is made available only by keeping good faith towards you and any little help you can get from it.

IndiaGovtExam.in makes no warranty regarding the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of this information. Any information you get on this website (India Govt Exam) is strictly at your own risk. India Govt Exam will not be liable for any loss and/or damage in relation to the use of our website.
IndiaGovtExam.in is not an official (official) website. Our website collects information from most official portals and media websites and after checking it, that information is passed on to you.

If any error is found in our information or website during this time, we will not be held responsible for this. Candidates must go to the official website of the concerned department and match the information.

India Govt Exam website has been created for the purpose of sending only one educational news to you. If any fault is found in the website due to any reason, then the administrator will not be responsible for it.

Do not make the mistake of considering Recruitment Board Schemes & Education News Portal (arsnews.in) as a government website, it has been developed only for the purpose of providing government educational news to the general public and unemployed. But if you are studying, then definitely match the information with the official website of the department concerned. We or any person related to the website will not be responsible for any mistake.
From official website to official website Relative to government website Relative to government website Relative website to official website Receiving newspaper from official website to official website.
Note :- Please, after seeing any type of form or its information on our website, then definitely check it on the official website.

Only the government has the right to change any recruitment, scheme and other information that we publish on our website. You should not be satisfied after seeing the information once because the government keeps making changes on its official website. Keep visiting our website regularly because we also republish those changes. This website of ours is absolutely free. Nowadays many people make fake websites and take money from gullible people by taking them under their guise.. You are requested not to fall in the trap of any such website.
The correct URL of our website is https://IndiaGovtExam.in/

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